Nike Wholesale

About Nike Wholesale Company:
Established in 1987, this Nike wholesale company has over 20 years of experience in dealing with manufacturers from over seas. They deal primarily with Nike products but also sell other brands as well. Two brothers started up this company and have been maintaining it ever since adding unique customer service and quality to every sale. Getting access to the products require a membership , expect waiting times for membership to be at least one year.

Location Of Wholesale Company:
Head office located in Greensfield, New York with shipping warehouse located in Burnsfield, Iowa.

Wholesale Prices:
Minimum order of $500
Lowest wholesale cost per pair of shoe is $5.25
Highest wholesale cost per pair of shoe is $89.75
Other Nike wholesale merchandise cost between $2.34 to $389.98

Wholesale Company Feedback:
This company has had an exceptional history of positive experiences with customers. They are highly rated and recommended.

Nike Wholesale gives this company 8 out of 10

nike wholesaler